"So friendly and amazing service! No waiting, no deposits were made didn't even have to call and schedule an appointment I walked in got settled and we..."
"So friendly and amazing service! No waiting, no deposits were made didn't even have to call and schedule an appointment I walked in got settled and we..."
"Okay, so I came here for a Friday the 13th tattoo. Signed in at four and waited until 12 am to be told they are done tattooing. I understand that tatt..."
"Okay, so I came here for a Friday the 13th tattoo. Signed in at four and waited until 12 am to be told they are done tattooing. I understand that tatt..."
Have you booked online with {{websiteCompanyNameText}} before?
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{{business.town}} {{business.postCode}}
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{{wizard.step2.selectedDate | date}} at {{wizard.step2.getTimeStr(wizard.step2.selectedTime)}}{{wizard.step2.getTimeStrAMPM(wizard.step2.selectedTime)}}