"Didn't expect to be taken as a walk in on a saturday afternoon but I was without a problem. Staff is super nice and very welcoming. Annie gave me a ta..."
"Didn't expect to be taken as a walk in on a saturday afternoon but I was without a problem. Staff is super nice and very welcoming. Annie gave me a ta..."
"The shop is super clean, which is a plus. They are all great artists and are all extremely professional. Definitely the place to go when looking for s..."
"The shop is super clean, which is a plus. They are all great artists and are all extremely professional. Definitely the place to go when looking for s..."
"Won't go there ever again . My sister goes there tonight very excited and nervous about getting her tongue pierced and right away he's giving this dis..."
"Won't go there ever again . My sister goes there tonight very excited and nervous about getting her tongue pierced and right away he's giving this dis..."
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