"Very generous, charitable local business! Every year they donate to our work raffle to raise $$ for community charities. They are a reminder of what..."
"Very generous, charitable local business! Every year they donate to our work raffle to raise $$ for community charities. They are a reminder of what..."
"DONT EVER TRADE STUFF FOR A TATTOO WITH BILLY! He does good (traced) art but he has no integrity. I sold him my car for a tattoo and he never register..."
"DONT EVER TRADE STUFF FOR A TATTOO WITH BILLY! He does good (traced) art but he has no integrity. I sold him my car for a tattoo and he never register..."
"My daughter, my mother-in-law and I all got a tattoo a couple of weeks ago. This was a first for all of us but Randi made it comfortable and easy for ..."
"My daughter, my mother-in-law and I all got a tattoo a couple of weeks ago. This was a first for all of us but Randi made it comfortable and easy for ..."
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{{wizard.step2.selectedDate | date}} at {{wizard.step2.getTimeStr(wizard.step2.selectedTime)}}{{wizard.step2.getTimeStrAMPM(wizard.step2.selectedTime)}}