"We made the trip from Belgium just for his talent, this guy has gold in his hands and puts people completely at ease. Another big thank you for everyt..."
"We made the trip from Belgium just for his talent, this guy has gold in his hands and puts people completely at ease. Another big thank you for everyt..."
"Sad you’re gone. Doug Wiles and I are sitting here thinking about you and what a good man you were. Wish you could be at our wedding in May but we kno..."
"Sad you’re gone. Doug Wiles and I are sitting here thinking about you and what a good man you were. Wish you could be at our wedding in May but we kno..."
"I start my sleve here after my first tattoo i tex the guy and call never get an answer never another part its i have an idea off my tattoo and he want..."
"I start my sleve here after my first tattoo i tex the guy and call never get an answer never another part its i have an idea off my tattoo and he want..."
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