Yes - believe it or not, a man can have permanent makeup done too! And, I have to tell you - Deanna did an amazing job! I couldn't be happier with my new look!
So, what did she do, you may be wonder... Read More
Yes - believe it or not, a man can have permanent makeup done too! And, I have to tell you - Deanna did an amazing job! I couldn't be happier with my new look!
So, what did she do, you may be wondering? Well - she did some work on my eyebrows - she added some brushstrokes where my eyebrows are thinning, and she also did an eyelash enhancement. I realize that no one else may notice what was done, but to me, what she did has made a big difference in my appearance, and that makes me feel very good.
Deanna is a true artist when it comes to the face. She seems to know just what someone needs to enhance their appearance without making it look fake. For me, my biggest fear was looking like I had pencilled in eyebrows and eyelashes, but the work she did was so subtle, yet so darn good! On top of doing exceptional work, she's very sweet and very caring with terrific customer service.
Not only do I recommend Deanna and Artistry Of Permanent Makeup to other men, but to women, too! When you see her portfolio of her work, you'll be blown away, so do yourself a favor and set up the free consultation like I did. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain! Read Less