I had my first tattoo with Dean last week, I was extremely nervous but was made to feel at ease for a few reasons... One, I had been speaking to Dean about my tattoo design for several weeks on messen... Read More
I had my first tattoo with Dean last week, I was extremely nervous but was made to feel at ease for a few reasons... One, I had been speaking to Dean about my tattoo design for several weeks on messenger beforehand and Two, he had booked enough time out to get me through it if I struggled. Originally I was going to opt for Roman Numerals on my rib cage but after speaking to Dean and telling him about my pain tolerance it was apparent that I may not have coped with it so I de...cided to carry on looking at other areas of the body that were a little less painful (I had it in my head that this was going to hurt like hell)... eventually I settled on the thigh and and booked in. When I arrived, I was greeted by Dean, who already had the Roman Numerals that I had previously picked, he had created the sizing which we discussed and then I opted for something a bit smaller.. The font was perfect and matched what I had previously sent to him.. The studio was of very high standards, ultra clean and tidy. Once Dean had completed his tasks we went through to the chair and prepped to start... Although I was nervous, Dean continued to talk me through everything, showed my that the needles were straight out of the packet and reassured me that everything was ok. I was never once rushed and we did everything at my pace. Once Dean started I asked him to talk to me constantly, which he did.. The pain? Hardly anything, I was completely shocked, I didn't flinch that much and found it easy to cope with. Dean was amazing, just talking to me and getting me through the process... When he said to me, what would you say if I told you I had finished? I was like no way but he had.... The end results was fantastic! I absolutely love my new tattoo and will be going back to Dean because he cares, is interested in your designs and is very quick but gentle... I would deffo recommend to friends (well all my friends use him anyway) Thank you so much...Heidi See More Read Less